Scott Parkhurst’s wagon kicked you in the nuts..

the kids get to school REAL fast!

be sure to NOTE THE LICENSE PLATES.. this thing is roaming the streets somewhere near you..

it gets DRIVEN.

Posted by Mr. Vengeance on August 19, 2012 under Events

Jim Nilson’s Cormaro rounding it with vette in tail..

Jims Camaro has a full Vette under that banana yellow skin..

Posted by Mr. Vengeance on under Events

Scotts GN curving the mountains..

shoulda been called the GH..

great handling..

Posted by Mr. Vengeance on under Events

Herb Lumpp’s 66 Chevelle in the ring..

Herb’s Chevelle doing the thang~!

Posted by Mr. Vengeance on under Events

There is a difference.. can you see it?

and much of the difference you CANNOT see..

ALWAYS SUSPECT SUSPENSION!.. thats the defining factor of a Streetfighter.

Posted by Mr. Vengeance on under Events

This is what were all about..

either at an autocross or a roadcourse or a dragstrip or a mountain run or an autocross or a roadcourse or a dragstrip or a mountain run or an autocross or a roadcourse or a dragstrip or a mountain run or an autocross or a roadcourse or a dragstrip or a mountain run or an autocross or a roadcourse or a dragstrip or a mountain run or an autocross or a roadcourse or a dragstrip or a mountain run or an autocross or a roadcourse or a dragstrip or a mountain run or a

so get it right..

Posted by Mr. Vengeance on under Events

The onelap camaro without its livery.. just strait up Streetfighter.

your not so basic streetfighter..

getting the idea how this works yet?

Posted by Mr. Vengeance on under Events

My mans 68.. knucked up!

choicy stuff on this camaro.. and some of it handmade!

Posted by Mr. Vengeance on under Events

Mustang on the run!

horse running wild!

Posted by Mr. Vengeance on under Events

Hardcore Vette!

Posted by Mr. Vengeance on May 20, 2012 under Events
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